Title | Year | Type | Author(s) | Language | Keywords |
Gia-Định xưa và nay | 1973 | Book | Huỳnh Minh | Vietnamese | |
Giai phong ! La liberazione di Saigon | 1976 | Book | Terzani, Tiziano | Italian | |
Giai phong! The fall and liberation of Saigon | 1976 | Book | Terzani, Tiziano | English | |
Giảm nghèo, di dân-đô thị hóa : trường hợp TP.HCM trong tầm nhìn so sánh. Hội thảo Quốc Tế, Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, 2/2004 | 2004 | Book | Viện Khoa Học Xã Hội Việt Nam (VNASS), Viện Khoa Học Xã Hội Vùng Nam Bộ (SISS) | Vietnamese | |
Giao thông công cộng đô thị tại TP.HCM / Urban public transport in HCMC. Hội Thào ODAP, số 5, 14-9-2001 / ODAP workshop n° 5, 14-9-2001 | 2001 | Book | Sở Kế Hoạch và Đầu Tư TP.Hồ Chí Minh / Ho Chi Minh City Department of Planning and Investment | English | |
Giới thiệu khối tài liệu về các nhà trí thức cách mạng Nam Kỳ đầu thế kỷ XX thuộc phông Thống đốc Nam Kỳ | 2016 | Electronic source | Lê Vị – Trung tâm Lưu trữ Quốc gia II | Vietnamese | intellectuals; archives; resistance |
Giới thiệu Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh | 2003 | Book chapter | Gubry Patrick, Lê Thị Hương | Vietnamese | |
Globalizing the city in Southeast Asia: Utopia on the urban edge – The case of Phu My Hung, Saigon | 2007 | Journal article | Douglass Mike, Huang Liling | English | |
Góp thêm tư liệu Sài Gòn - Gia Định : 1859-1945 | 1998 | Book | Nguyễn, Phan Quang | Vietnamese | |
Grandes figures du passé : Phan-Chau-Trinh | 1951 | Journal article | Huynh Khac Dung | French | history; biography; |
Guide historique des rues de Saigon | 1943 | Book | Baudrit, André | French | Saigon; guide; street
Guide saigonnais pour l'année 1889 avec plan de la ville de Saigon | 1889 | Book | Bock, August | French | |
Habitat et environnement urbain au Viêt-nam. Hanoi et Hô Chi Minh Ville | 1997 | Book | Parenteau René (dir.) | French | |
Hành trình hội nhập của di dân tự do tại Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh nhìn từ góc độ kinh tế và xã hội | 2005 | Book | Chi cục Phát triển nông thôn Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh | Vietnamese | |
Hành trình đến Dinh Độc Lập : (Truyện ký) | 2008 | Book | Nguyễn Khắc Nguyệt | Vietnamese | Vietnam war; military; |
Hành trình đến với bảo tàng : giới thiệu hệ thống các bảo tàng tại thành phố Hố Chí Minh | 1999 | Book | Trương Văn Tài | Vietnamese | museum |
Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City: The long struggle of two cities / Recovering from endless war | 2006 | Book chapter | Marr R.L. | English | |
Hanoi et Hô Chi Minh Ville (Saigon), double métropolisation et développement | 2001 | Book chapter | Weissberg Daniel | French | |
Hanoi's war : an international history of the war for peace in Vietnam | 2012 | Book | Nguyen, Lien-Hang T. | English | Vietnam war; diplomaty; politics; |
HCM City plans to seek loans for wastewater facilities | 2015 | Journal article | Vietnam News Agency (VNA) | English | |
Health impacts of air pollution in the workplace and rural and urban areas | 1996 | Book chapter | Nguy Ngoc Toan | English | gender; |
Health status of temporary migrants in urban areas in Vietnam | 2007 | Journal article | Nguyen T. Liem, White Michael J. | English | |
Health status, urbanward migration and government policy in urban areas in Vietnam | 2002 | Book | Nguyen T. Liem, White Michael J. | English | |
Hiện trạng ô nhiễm không khí và tiếng ồn tại một số nút giao thông của Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh và kiến nghị các biện pháp giảm thiểu ô nhiễm | 1995 | Dissertation | Phạm Anh Hải | Vietnamese | air pollution; noise pollution |
Hiện trạng và dự báo phát triển dân số Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh giai đoạn 1995-2000
| 1995 | Book | Viện Kinh Tế Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh | Vietnamese | |
Histoire de courbe. La croissance du motocycle à Hô Chi Minh Ville en trois phases | 2004 | Journal article | Trân Xuân Phi, Retailleau Laurence | French | |
Histoire de l'hôpital Grall de Saïgon (1861-1961) : un siècle d'évolution hospitalière en pays tropical | 1962 | Dissertation | Mianet, Henri | French | hospital; medecine |
Historical Dictionary of Ho Chi Minh City | 2013 | Book | Corfield, Justin | English | dictionary; history; |
HIV preventive behaviour of street sex workers in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | 2004 | Dissertation | Dang Thi Nhat Vinh | English | HIV/AIDS; preventive behaviours; street; commercial sex worker; HCMC; Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh City (Viet Nam) | 1995 | Book chapter | United Nations: Population Division | English | urbanization; |
Ho Chi Minh City adaptation to climate change. Summary report | 2010 | Book | Asian Development Bank (ADB) | English | |
Ho Chi Minh City and sustainable development issues | 2001 | Book chapter | Nguyen Van Tai | English | |
Ho Chi Minh City data book | 1994 | Book | National Institute for Urban and Rural Planning (NIURP) | English | |
Ho Chi Minh city: 10 years | 1987 | Book | Nguyen Van Linh | English | |
Ho Chi Minh City: a future megacity in Vietnam. Paper presented at the 2002 IUSSP Regional Population Conference “Southeast Asia’s population in a changing Asian context”, Bangkok (10-14 June 2002) | 2004 | Journal article | Gubry Patrick, Le Thi Huong | English | |
Ho Chi Minh City: Back to Saigon | 1996 | Book chapter | Seabrook, Jeremy | English | |
Ho Chi Minh City: Contested Public and Private Space in
the Vietnamese Metropolis | 2013 | Journal article | Givental, Elena | English | |
Ho Chi Minh City: Participatory poverty assessment | 2003 | Book | Poverty Task Force, Trinh Ho Ha Nghi, Huynh Thi Ngoc Tuyet, with a supplement of Bill Tod | English | poverty |
Ho Chi Minh City: spatial structure and characteristics | 1994 | Dissertation | Do Thi Loan | English | |
Ho Chi Minh City: The challenges of growth | 2010 | Book | ASH Center, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Dapice David, Gomez-Ibanez Jose A., Nguyen Xuan Thanh | English | |
Ho Chi Minh City’s canals back from the dead | 2002 | Journal article | Lam, Tran Dinh Thanh | English | |
Ho Chi Minh Stadt | 2005 | Book | Schmalz, Andreas | German | |
Hô Chi Minh Ville : chronique d’une métropolisation annoncée | 1998 | Journal article | Bolay, Jean-Claude | French | |
Hô Chi Minh Ville : de la migration à l’emploi | 1996 | Book | Truong Si Anh, Gubry Patrick, Vu Thi Hông, Huguet Jerrold W. | French | |
Hô Chi Minh Ville : le changement commercial dans le 1er arrondissement, reflet ou accélération des mutations en cours ? | 1999 | Dissertation | Bourgarel, Vincent | French | |
Hô Chi Minh Ville et Hanoi : Population et migrations intra-urbaines | 2002 | Book | Gubry Patrick, Lortic Bernard, Grenèche Gilles, Lê Van Thanh, Lê Thi Huong, Trân Thi Thanh Thuy, Nguyên Thi Thiêng et al. | French | |
Hô Chi Minh Ville, le spontané et la ville planifiée | 1995 | Dissertation | Gaillard N.M., Niebudek J. | French | |
Hô Chi Minh Ville, Vietnam. Rapport intermédiaire | 2006 | Dissertation | Chambon Thibault, Chartoire Benjamin, Chrétien Kévin, ... [et al.] | French | |
Ho Chi Minh Ville. Le changement commercial dans le premier arrondissement : reflet ou accélération des mutations en cours ? | 2001 | Book | Bourgarel, Vincent | French | |
Hô Chi Minh-Ville : l'administration face à la société. Vers une redéfinition des rapports de force ? | 2000 | Journal article | Defert Gabriel | French | |
Hội kín Nguyễn An Ninh | 1961 | Book | Lê Văn Thử | Vietnamese | |
Hồi ký không tên | 2004 | Book | Lý Quí Chung | Vietnamese | Vietnam war; personal narratives; |
Hôi thảo di dân nông thôn-thành thi đến Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
| 2000 | Book | Viện Kinh Tế Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, CEPED | Vietnamese | migration; peasant; |
Hội thảo di dân, khuyếch trương việc làm và phát triển đô thị. TP.HCM, 13-15/11/1991
| 1991 | Book | Viện Kinh Tê Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh | Vietnamese | |
Hỏi đáp 300 năm Sài Gòn - Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, tập I | 1998 | Book | Quách Thu Nguyệt | Vietnamese | |
Hỏi đáp 300 năm Sài Gòn - Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, tập II | 1998 | Book | [nhiều tác giả] | Vietnamese | |
Hỏi đáp 300 năm Sài Gòn - Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, tập III | 1998 | Book | Nguyễn Thế Truật | Vietnamese | |
Hỏi đáp 300 năm Sài Gòn - Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, tập IV | 1998 | Book | Lê Minh Quốc | Vietnamese | |
Hostaged of war : Saigon's political prisoners | 1973 | Book | Brown, Holmes & Luce, Don | English | |
Housing and infrastructure – Constraints faced by the urban poor | 2002 | Book | Nguyen Thi Hien, in coll. with Nguyen Quy Thanh, Hoang Thi Thanh Van, Thai Thi Ngoc Du, Pham Gia Tran | English | |
Housing and urban development policies in Vietnam | 1991 | Journal article | Pham Van Trinh, Parenteau René | English | |
Housing for low-income groups in Ho Chi Minh City between re-integration and fragmentation - Approaches to adequate urban typologies and spatial strategies | 2007 | Journal article | Waibel Michael, Eckert Ronald, Bose Michael, Martin Volker | English | |
Housing in Ho Chi Minh City: A study of slum upgrading and redevelopment | 1995 | Book | Gunnewiek H.K., Mosselman C. | English | |
Housing policy and slum upgrading in Ho Chi Minh City | 1998 | Journal article | Coit Katharine | English | |
Hôpital pédiatrique n°2 d'Ho Chi Minh ville : renaissance de l'hôpital Grall de Saïgon | 1999 | Dissertation | Bouchard, Antoine | French | hospital; children |
Human transportation influences Aedes aegypti gene flow in Southeast Asia | 2004 | Journal article | Huber K., Le Loan Luu, Chantha Ngan, Failloux A.B. | English | |
Ici Radio Saigon... la voix de la France en Extrême-Orient | 1943 | Journal article | F. B. | French | |
Ici Radio-Saigon, 1939-1945 : récit | 1985 | Book | Le Bourgeois, Jacques | French | Indochina; |
Il y a cinquante ans, l’immolation de Thích Quảng Đức à Saigon | 2013 | Electronic source | Guillemot, François | French | Vietnam war; buddhism; commemoration; |
Images de Cholon | 1944 | Journal article | Lhuissier, Jean | French | |
Impact assessment of poverty reduction programs of Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam | 2013 | Book | Do Thu Trang, Le Chau Hai, Nguyen Viet Cuong, Nguyen Hong Thuy, Phung Thanh Thu, Phung Duc Tung | English | |
Impact of migration on rural place of origin | 2011 | Book chapter | Tran Giang Linh, Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao, 2011, | English | |
Impact of migration on urban destination | 2011 | Book chapter | Nguyen Thanh Liem, Nguyen Hanh Nguyen | English | |
Impacts of existing residence registration policy on urban poverty alleviation. Two case studies in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City | 2005 | Book | Villes en Transition Vietnam (VeT), Centre for Sociology and Development Studies Ho Chi Minh City, Institute of Sociology Hanoi | English | |
Impacts of price hikes on the lives and livelihoods of poor people in Viet Nam. Case studies in provinces of Dien Bien, Dak Lak and Quang Tri, Hai Phong City and Go Vap District (Ho Chi Minh City) | 2008 | Book | Oxfam, Actionaid Vietnam | English | |
Impacts of rural to urban migration on the health of young adult migrants in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Conference on African migration in comparative perspective, Johannesburg, 4-7 June 2003 | 2003 | Book | Van Landingham Mark | English | |
Implementation and preliminary result of population and housing census at 00.00 hours 1st April 2009 | 2009 | Book | Population and Housing Census Steering Committee Ho Chi Minh City | English | |
Improvement of design capability and quality management for constructions | 2004 | Book | Nguyen Van Chanh | English | |
In the shadow of the American embassy in Saigon | 1972 | Book | Thanh Nam | English | Vietnam war; |
INAA in combination with other analytical techniques in the study of urban aerosol sources | 2000 | Journal article | Binh N.T., Truong Y., Ngo N.T., Sieu L.N., Hien P.D. | English | |
Indochine du sud, de Marseille à Saigon : Djibouti, Éthiopie, Ceylan, Malaisie; Cochinchine, Cambodge, Bas-Laos, Sud-Annam, Siam | 1928 | Book | Madrolle, Claudius (1870-1949) | French | |
Industrie et artisanat. Le problème des textiles en Cochinchine | 1944 | Journal article | I. P. | French | |
Infrastructure scoping study: Sustainable built environments in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City | 2009 | Book | Ahmed Iftekhar (dir.) | English | |
Integrative Stadtentwicklungs- und Umweltplanung zur Anpassung an die Folgen des globalen Klimawandels in Ho Chi Minh City – Anpassungsstrategien für eine klimagerechte und energieeffiziente Stadtentwicklung und Wohnungsversorgung
| 2008 | Book | Volker Martin, Eckert Ronald, Schmidt Michael, Storch Harry | German | |
Intellectuals and political commitment in Vietnam: the emergence of a public sphere in colonial Saigon (1916-1928) | 1999 | Dissertation | Peycam, Philippe | English | journalism; history; intellectuals; colonial Vietnam; Cochinchina; political press |
Intermediate levels of property rights and the emerging housing market in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | 2011 | Journal article | Truong Thien Thu, Perera Ranjith | English | |
Internal migration and socio-economic development in Viet Nam: A call to action | 2010 | Book | United Nations Viet Nam | English | migration; economic development; |
Internal migration in Vietnam: The current situation | 2007 | Book | United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) | English | |
Internal migration into Ho Chi Minh City. Patterns, consequences and policy issues | 1994 | Dissertation | Truong Si Anh | English | |
Internal migration. Opportunities and challenges for socio-economic development in Viet Nam
| 2010 | Book | United Nations Viet Nam, Marx Véronique, Fleischer Katherine | English | migration; |