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Title Year Type Author(s) Language Keywords 
A scenario-based approach to assess Ho Chi Minh City’s urban development strategies against the impact of climate change2011Journal articleStorch, Harry, and Nigel K. DownesEnglishclimate; urban development;
A tale of two cities: Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City2000Journal articleShannon KellyEnglish
Action de la France pour le développement urbain au Vietnam2002BookSnrech Serge, Baudoin Nicolas, Montbas de Alexandre, Pandolfi Laurent, Margonstern DavidFrenchurban development; French;
Ben Nghé xưa1992BookSơn NamVietnamese
Cholon1941Journal articleSurmer, AndréFrench
Climate change and the resilience of megacities in South-East Asia: Creating risk-based climate change information for Ho Chi Minh City’s settlements2009Book chapterStorch Harry, Downes Nigel, Moon Kiduk, 2009,Englishclimate;
Decent interval : an insider's account of Saigon's indecent end told by the CIA's chief strategy analyst in Vietnam 1977BookSnepp, FrankEnglishVietnam war; personal narratives
Decent interval : an insider's account of Saigon's indecent end told by the CIA's chief strategy analyst in Vietnam 1978BookSnepp, FrankEnglishVietnam war; personal narratives
Decent interval : the American debacle in Vietnam and the fall of Saigon 1980BookSnepp, FrankEnglishVietnam war; personal narratives
En marge du centenaire d'Anatole France. Indiscrétions. Anatole France à la salle des ventes de Saigon. M. Bergeret aux enchères1944Journal articleS. M.French
Giao thông công cộng đô thị tại TP.HCM / Urban public transport in HCMC. Hội Thào ODAP, số 5, 14-9-2001 / ODAP workshop n° 5, 14-9-20012001BookSở Kế Hoạch và Đầu Tư TP.Hồ Chí Minh / Ho Chi Minh City Department of Planning and InvestmentEnglish
Ho Chi Minh City: Back to Saigon1996Book chapterSeabrook, JeremyEnglish
Ho Chi Minh Stadt2005BookSchmalz, AndreasGerman
Le Service géographique de l'Indochine1944Journal articleS.French
Le Service géographique de l'Indochine (suite et fin)1944Journal articleS.French
Le Vietnam face au défi urbain2002Journal articleSnrech SergeFrench
Miền Nam đầu thế kỷ XX : Thiên Địa hội và cuộc Minh Tân biên khảo1971BookSơn NamVietnamese
Mondialisation des formes urbaines à Ho Chi Minh - Ville. Une transition économique et urbaine, l’exemple de « Saigon South »2009DissertationSchaller, ChiaraFrench
Người Sài Gòn1994BookSơn NamVietnamese
Người Sài Gòn1990BookSơn NamVietnamese
Người Sài Gòn1992BookSơn NamVietnamese
Notice historique, administrative et politique sur la ville de Saigon1917BookSecrétaire général de la mairieFrench
Organizational responses to urban migration in Ho Chi Minh City : adapting to the challenges of a highly regulated environment2011DissertationSimon, Daniel TienEnglish

Urban Studies and Planning

Organizational responses to urban migration in Ho Chi Minh City: Adapting to the challenges of a highly regulated environment2011DissertationSimon Daniel TienEnglish
Sài Gòn lục tỉnh xưa1998BookSơn Nam (biên soạn)Vietnamese
Saigon South Master plan1994BookSkidmore, Owings, MerrilEnglish
Städte im Umbruch: Neustrukturierung von Berlin, Brussel, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh Stadt, Hongkong, Jerusalem, Johannesburg, Moskau, St. Petersburg, Sarajewo und Wien2002BookSchneider-Sliwa Rita (Hg.)German
Tabula rasa urbanism: city extensions in Vietnam2002Journal articleShannon KellyEnglish
The challenge of spatial information management for adaptation to climate change in Ho Chi Minh City2010Book chapterStorch Harry, Downes Nigel, Rujner HendrikEnglish
The informal sector in solid waste management in developing countries. Sustainability effects of formalisation considering Ho Chi Minh City – Vietnam as an example2006DissertationScheibe FlorianEnglishpollution; waste;
Transports urbains à Hô Chi Minh Ville : le coût d’une métamorphose mal maîtrisée1997Journal articleSchmitt MathiasFrench
Two cities : Hanoi and Saigon1992BookSheehan, NeilEnglish
Urbanization in transitional societies: an overview of Vietnam and Hanoi2000Journal articleSmith David W., Scarpaci Joseph L.English
Vietnam’s hybrid urban landscapes: The dream of Western achitects/urbanists?2001BookShannon KellyEnglish
Đất Gia Định [xưa], Bến nghé xưa, Người Sài Gòn : biên khảo2004BookSơn NamVietnamese
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