Data and informations

The « Virtual Saigon » project is dedicated to studying the evolution of Saigon / Ho Chi Minh City from its beginning to nowadays. This section provides entries on original Data and specific entries to Buildings, Photographers, Famous people.


This part provides information on buildings, based on their different functions throught history. As each building's function changes over time, any building could have multiple occurences. The last function compiles all the pictures of the building to allow comparisons. Each notice provides information on name, address, GPS coordinates (WGS1984 UTM Zone 48N), function...


This part provides information on photographers, editors or individuals with a view on their collections.

Famous people

Whenever a contributor mentions the name of a person in a “Virtual Saigon” platform document, a biographical fiche is created to provide biographical data. The degree of elaboration depends on the material available and on the importance accorded to a given figure.


Data (forthcoming)

Over the course of research projects, we have accumulated large quantities of statistical data. Data are often hard to come by, especially data collected and verified through meticulous examination. Data produced on a given topic may also be useful for another research project. In this section, we shall share data in tabular format (Excel files), ready for download with all their metadata.






Last update on Monday 6 June 2016 (07:17) by  F. Guillemot

© 2012-2015 IAO - Projet Director: Laurent Gédéon & François Guillemot
Site created by Gérald Foliot - Hosted by TGIR Huma-num
The site is part of the Virtual Cities Project: Beijing - Hankou - Saigon - Shanghai - Suzhou - Tianjin - Wenzhou - Zhejiang

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