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Title Year Author(s) Abstract 
Shanhai keizai teiyō 上海經濟提要1941Shanhai Nihon Shōkō Kaigisho 上海日本商工會議所
Exploring Government Budget Deficit and Economic Growth: Evidence from Vietnam’s Economic Miracle2015Bui Van Vien & Tatchalerm Sudhipongpracha

Government actions influence a country’s economic performance. However, the debate about the effects of government budget deficit on economic growth remains unsettled. On the one hand, deficit is believed to trigger high tax rates, which can decrease productivity and deter private investment. On the other, deficit spending is assumed to complement business investment and stimulate economic productivity. This article assesses the probability of such claims for the Vietnamese government’s fiscal policy between 1989 and 2011. After the introduction of the Doi Moi reform policy in the late 1990s, Vietnam has witnessed high economic growth. Yet, its government’s deficit pattern is among the highest in Southeast Asia. The findings demonstrate that in the case of Vietnam, government deficits had no direct effects on the country’s economic productivity between 1989 and 2011. Instead, the article discovers that foreign direct investment (FDI) played an important role in Vietnam’s economic productivity over the same period, while real interest rates adversely affect growth. This article concludes that rather than an expansion of the public sector through government spending deficit, Vietnam requires administrative and regulatory reforms to ensure an efficient use of government resources, a continuous flow of foreign capital, and consistent economic growth.

Country Partnership Framework for the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for the period FY18-FY222017World Bank

Thirty years after the launch of the economic reforms known as Doi Moi, Vietnam is considered a development success story — marked by remarkable poverty reduction and economic growth. Vietnam reached middle income status in 2009, achieved most Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) — many of them ahead of time — and has adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The economy has developed from being largely closed and centrally planned to dynamic and market - oriented, integrated and connected to the global economy. Furthermore, growth has been inclusive, translating into tangible gains for the Vietnamese people, economically and in broader welfare terms, with significant increases and improvements in access and quality of services.

Notwithstanding notable achievements, development challenges persist. Poverty gains are fragile, with remaining poverty concentrated in rural areas and among ethnic minorities. Vietnam is highly vulnerable to climate change and natural disasters, and natural assets are exploited unsustainably. Weak institutions, often with overlapping mandates and responsibilities, and inadequate processes for coordination, impede state effectiveness. There are rising fiscal pressure and vulnerabilities in the banking sector, the domestic private sector is developing below potential, and labor productivity growth is diminishing. Needed investments in infrastructure exceed resources available, and the ability to mobilize private sector resources for such investments remains weak. Vietnam’s demographic and economic evolutions are also putting new demands on service delivery and social protection systems.

Les forces alliées au Vietnam méritent l'appui de tous les peuples libres1966
Les syndicats vietnamiens ne veulent pas d'une "paix communiste"1966
Vietnam : tous concernés1966
La classe ouvrière des Etats-Unis et la guerre1966George Morris
Les dockers américains aident le peuple vietnamien dans sa lutte pour l'indépendance nationale 1966Thomas W.Gleason
L'A.F.L.-C.I.O. réaffirme son appui de la politique américaine au Vietnam1966
La flotille syndicale de jonques préserve le minimum vital au Vietnam1966Emil Lindahl
Setting the Record Straight on Vietnam1965George Meany
La vérité sur la guerre au Vietnam1965George Meany
Communist Regimes Blocking Negociations In VietnamMichael Stewart
CARE's Aid to War Refugees in Vietnam1965Lee W.Minton
La liberté est en jeu dans le conflit vietnamien1965
Au Vietnam : non pas une guerre civile, mais une agression du Nord1965
Vietnam : Not Civil War, But Agression from Hanoi1965
Une visite à un village vietnamien 1964Meyer Bernstein
La crise dans le Sud-Est asiatique s'aggrave1964
Le syndicalisme libre-facteur d'unité au VietnamGordon H.Cole
Social Progress Key to Victory in Vietnam1964Tran Quoc Buu
Retour à une politique d'apaisement ?1964George Meany
Reaching for the Rule of Law in South Vietnam1968Colonel George F.Westerman ; Capitaine James L.MeHugh Jr.
Rigoureuse loi martiale à Saigon1972
Thieu tightens his grip1972
Vietnamizing Democracy1972
Saigon abolishes Hamlet elections1972Craig R.Whitney
Des Nungs abandonnent leur poste 1964
Les conseillers des massacreurs1966
Raider teams zero in one Red infrastructure as Saigon steps up pacification campaign1969John Hughes
The War : Phu Vinh's Irregulars1968
Faux agents secrets pour 20 000 piastres1966Reuter
Paying for Thieu's Police1973
U.S. Training Antiguerrillas1963
Terrorisme à Saigon1968Don Moser
Saigon pègre police et dignitaires1971
Vietnam : deux condamnés à mort pour corruption1984
Un mal qui ronge le pays : la corruption1968François Roussel
La deuxième "sale guerre"1966Robert Guillain
See Themselves as Patriots : South Vietnam's Millionaires Flourish in a War Economy1971Fox Butterfield
Des générateurs aux sacs de riz : L'aide américaine continue de "s'égarer"1966
Au moment où les Américains semblent vouloir se désengager, Le gouvernement de Saigon s'efforce de réagir contre la corruption et le défaitisme1968Jean-François Chauvel [envoyé spécial]
Le règne de la corruption1973Fox Butterfield
Pacification Aides Complain : Widespread Looting, Robbery Are Laid to Saigon's Troops1971Iver Peterson
Où va le Vietnam du Sud. III.- Un régime paralysé1974Patrice De Beer
Trafics à Saigon1970
[...] privée vietnamienne, auraient détourné plusieurs centaines de millions de piastres1973Jean-Michel Quatrepoint
Thieu and Ky Accused in U.S. of Heading Heroin Operation1972
Saigon Defense Head Resigns in Wake of Fund Scandal1972Peter Osnos
In Testimony to Senators : Thieu and Ky Accused in U.S. of Heading Heroin Operation 1972
Corruption du système et système de la corruption1968
Les brutalités policières déclenchent une grève générale à Saigon1966
La guerre prospère du Général Cole1971Vladimir Pozner
Les développements du conflit vietnamien : la deuxième "sale guerre"1966
The Fat Cats of Lam Phat1967
La pénurie de riz : nouveau drame pour la population vietnamienne1967F.N.
La "vietnamisation" de l'économie : Une autre décennie de conflit ?1971Jacques Decornoy
Aperçu sur la crise économique et sociale du régime de Saigon1974Union des Vietnamiens en France
Belles lettres à la saigonnaise1975
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