121 documents
89/121 results        
Building ID4091
English nameBinh Thoi Church
Vietnamese NameNhà thờ Bình Thới
Address161D/106/10 Lạc Long Quân, Phường 3, Quận 11, TP. Hồ Chí Minh
Pos X679171.0283
Pos Y1190114.2137
Images from this Building (2 results)

Nhà thờ Giáo xứ Bình Thới #1

Nhà thờ Giáo xứ Bình Thới #2
89/121 results        
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Site created by Gérald Foliot - Hosted by TGIR Huma-num
The site is part of the Virtual Cities Project: Beijing - Hankou - Saigon - Shanghai - Suzhou - Tianjin - Wenzhou - Zhejiang

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